
Our clients understand that a skilled workforce and leadership is the key pillar of an effective InfoSec initiative. We are depended upon to fully understand their requirements, challenges and vision. For the past 17 years Harry Benz &  Associates has engaged a select group of companies that have made a commitment to their InfoSec program and have chosen to be proactive and kept abreast of high caliber talent as they surface, regardless of whether an opening exists.

Our goal is to become your trusted partner by providing direct access to our personalized and managed placement process of Information Security professionals for full time or contract positions.

We have developed a strong network of candidates at all levels across all industry sectors who trust that our recruitment process is carried out with the utmost confidentiality and integrity.

As a valued client we can connect you to our network of high performing

Many of our candidates have risen to leadership positions.

Thank you for visiting Harry Benz & Associates


“We guarantee excellence at every step of the process”

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